Georgians traveled to Washington, D.C., to show their support at President Donald Trump’s Inauguration. They attended the different inaugural events.
Fresh Take Georgia’s Zaire Breedlove spoke with several Georgians about their hopes for the next four years. Hannah Josephine from Convington said she did not want to miss this historic event. Click below to listen to what Josephine, Joseph Palmer, Jake Renny and Ramiro Landeros said about why they traveled to Washington, D.C.
Audio transcript and timestamps below
Speaker_1 { 00:00:00 }
It’s an event that I didn’t want to miss, something that will be remembered in the history books forever.
FTG { 00:00:08 }
I see that you’re wearing a MAGA hat. Why did you pick President Donald Trump?
Speaker_1 { 00:00:12 }
He’s the one that follows my beliefs the closest. It’s obviously not perfect and to a “t”. It’s got some flaws but everybody has their flaws.
FTG { 00:00:22 }
And do you feel as if his policies are going to benefit or hinder Georgia?
Speaker_1 { 00:00:27 }
I believe they’re going to benefit Georgia, especially considering how I’m not quite sure it can get much worse.
Speaker_2 { 00:00:34 }
I wanted to come out and show my support … I think we have a president now who loves this country, wants to put this country first. I don’t think we always agree with everything that comes out of his mouth, but I can tell the guy has passion for this country and I doubt he’ll see me up there but I want to show him my passion for our country as well. I mean, I drove 11 hours to get here, packed up the car, spent probably ten, $12,000 to be here. And what a great way to, to be in our Nation’s capital and really watch the peaceful transfer of power no matter who it is.
FTG { 00:01:08 }
Do you feel like states like ours will benefit from Trump’s policies?
Speaker_2 { 00:01:13 }
Yeah, I mean, you know, he believes In low taxation. Right now, the South definitely is going to be the rising star in the union again. You know, there was a great migration many, many years ago, but people are coming home, back to Florida, back to Georgia. South Carolina right now is the fastest growing state in the country and actually just knocked Florida out so. I mean in what made the South so popular is a lot of the policies that Trump already believes in.
Speaker_3 at the Veterans Inaugural Ball { 00:01:40 }
Military peoples tend to stick together and I’m from a military family. My dad served for over 30 years. And realistically, everybody in this room is sharing one common kind of notion. They are all either from a military background, they know someone from a military background, or they’re supporting a military background. And I think that this ball is something special because they’re able to, you know, unite together, not worry about the other things, not worry about politics. I mean, there are people here from both sides of the aisle, Democrat and Republican, that are here together to share a common celebration, which is, you know, a new president, an inaugural ball. And they’re leaving everything else at the door. And they’re here to support the military as a whole because they realize how instrumental they are to our country.
FTG { 00:02:26 }
Do you feel as if in this room [Veterans Inaugural Ball] there is more unity than what you may encounter on the outside?
Speaker_4 at the Veterans Inaugural Ball { 00:02:32 }
Well, first let me say Republican, Democrat, we are all veterans and we all care for each other. We all take care of each other. I lost five guys in Iraq my second deployment. And so when I’m here at these events for veterans, it doesn’t matter whether you’re Republican, Democrat, we care for each other. We care for taking care of each other. We want to make sure we become a family. We stay together and we take care of our own.