
Black woman speaking at podium
Educators are caught in the middle of a highly politicized fight over critical race theory. The debate evolved in the wake of widespread protests last year that sought to call attention to police brutality and systemic racism.
Group of students and professor in chemistry lab
Georgia Gwinnett College professor strives to help his students succeed in one college's hardest subjects.
photo of brick building with green roof on Georgia Tech campus
The University System of Georgia regents appoint new chancellor.
entrance to multi-level dorms on college campus
A Cobb County ordinance prohibiting more than two unrelated people from living in a single- family residence that has hampered housing options for many students could change.
Black teacher in front of chalkboard with mask on teaching young students
Innovative teaching strategies could very well become a cornerstone of curriculum going forward, especially in regaining ground that has been lost. Dr. Stacy Delacruz said repairing the educational damage of this year will not be a quick fix.
Georgia girls' STEM program:; young blonde girl in blue bouseholds her drone
Fly Girls is the brainchild of Dr. Sally Creel, STEM and Innovation Supervisor for Cobb County, Georgia Schools. Creel is passionate about increasing the number of women in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics.” Their insights, perspectives and voices are too valuable not to be heard,” she said.
Emory University stone sign with school shield and founding date 1836
Five Atlanta-area private colleges will require students to have received COVID-19 vaccinations before class begins next fall.
Hank Aaron headshot of smiling, older, gray-haired Black man wearing wire-rim aviator glasses and gray pinstripe suit with white shir and navy tie
An Atlanta high school that was named after a Ku Klux Klan leader will strip the name and instead honor the late baseball Hall of Famer Hank Aaron.
man smiling while on his laptop sitting at light wood table with friends with library book shelves in the background
The typical Georgia undergraduate was reportedly charged $7,142 in tuition and mandatory fees this year. Many paid less because of financial aid or HOPE scholarships. Georgia's sticker price was lower than all but three other states in the 16-state region.
Gray bookbag on wood desk with vape and a apple beside it on top of a red book
Students will be taught the dangers of vaping, as well as human trafficking, under legislation likely to go into effect next year.
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