Traffic on Peachtree Industrial Boulevard in Chamblee (Gabby Miller/Fresh Take Georgia).
Traffic on Peachtree Industrial Boulevard in Chamblee (Gabby Miller/Fresh Take Georgia).

One of the bills under consideration in the Georgia House of Representatives would change how drivers react to funeral processions. HB 77 seeks to clarify driving rules on two lane roads when a line of cars head to the cemetery.

Funeral processions are cars with a flag, pennant, or sign on them.

Captain Jason Waasdorp works with the Chamblee Police Department investigation team. He was recently in a funeral procession for his father-in-law. He witnesses first-hand how drivers respond to cars in during a funeral procession.

“By Georgia law, you’re supposed to pull over and on interstates you are supposed to stay behind and not bypass the procession,” Waasdorp said.

Under the proposed changes to the law, drivers within the funeral procession must yield to other emergency vehicles such as an ambulance and fire truck or when instructed by law enforcement. On two lane roads, drivers would yield to the motorcade. It would remain illegal for drivers to join a funeral procession, or to pass them.

Few Georgia drivers know what to do when they come across a funeral procession. When asked about the state law, Kennesaw State University student Laura Wilkinson was not sure.

“I think you are supposed to stop completely and get off the road, if possible,” Wilkinson said.

Elisa Dishon was more confident in her answer. Georgia drivers who have experience in encountering a funeral procession will most likely know what to do while newer drivers learn from experience.

“I pull over and have a moment of silence for the families going through that right now,” Dishon said.

Despite what Georgia law says about not passing a funeral motorcade, Captain Waasdorp said some drivers do not pull over and come to a stop.

“Unfortunately, there are some drivers that break the law and bypass a funeral procession it is more of an issue in cities than in rural areas,” he said.

HB 77 passed the House Motor Vehicles Committee. Its sponsors are waiting for a floor vote. If it becomes law, the penalty for any driver who does not yield to a motorized funeral procession on a two lane road will be a $100 fine.

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