Health & Science

lady with glasses and blonde hair
Misinformation is killing Georgians. Many say they don’t know who to trust or why the science keeps changing. That’s why some people refuse to get a COVID-19 vaccine.
white woman with short hair in orange jacket stands in front of podium addressing press, white man is behind her in a blue jacket and red tie
Gov. Kemp assures Georgians still have access to monoclonal antibody treatment a recent change in the distribution model during a briefing at the Capitol on Thursday.
white lady with short blond hair in black scrubs on with a nurses badge at a podium with a mic with a brown background
Georgia health care workers seek stricter penalties for those who assault them on the job, along with other protective measures as violence against them arises.
mask mandate protest for COVID-19 on college campus; masked protestors in group of ~20 hold signs in front of table on rainy day
Groups across Georgia university campuses have organized to protest the lack of mask mandates and demand the university system to get serious about COVID-19.
Marijuana Oversite Committee: a bald head white man in a dark suit with glasses at a podium with mic and two bottle of water
While permits to grow and process medical cannabis have been awarded to six Georgia companies, there is no process to test and distribute THC products to patients within the state.
protests against Georgia regents' precautions: white man wearing mask and earbuds sits in a chair
Faculty at colleges and universities in Georgia are protesting the Board of Regents’ COVID-19 policy that says masks cannot be mandatory and classes should be in person.
feds mandate vaccine: Pres Biden - older, grey-haired man - speaking into microphone wearing dark suit, white shirt and navy striped tie
Due to a federal policy issued Sept.10, employers with more than 100 workers now must mandate immunizations or offer weekly testing.
Gov. Kemp speaking at a podium
Governor Brian Kemp encouraged Georgians to get vaccinated after he signed an executive order to send out additional National Guard troops to assist in hospitals.
Experts Delta Variant: Zoom screen with three women facing camera
Georgia lawmakers, including a microbiologist and an epidemiologist, give parents back-to-school advice amid Delta variant wave during a virtual town hall on Facebook.
Woman speaking to group of Georgis legislators in tiered red seats with green walls, flags and state seal.
Rep. Sharon Cooper, a Republican from Marietta, chairs the Georgia House Health & Human Services Committee. She hosted an all-day hearing Thursday to explore the Georgia CANDOR Act, a bill she introduced during the last week of the 2020 legislative session.
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